(774) TRI-DENT (774-874-3368) info@tridentngs.com

Seeking Professionals in the following areas:

  • Eddy Current Technicians
  • Remote Visual Inspection
  • Steam Generator Services
    • Platform
    • Manways
    • Secondary’s side inspection
    • Sludge lancing
    • Acquisitions and Qda analysts

Trident NGS

  • Condenser Steam Side Internal Inspections
  • Tank Inspections
  • Isophase Bus Duct Inspections
  • Reactor Containment ASME Section XI Inspections
  • Cooling Tower/Stack Structural Inspections
  • Rooftop Structural Asset Management Assessments
  • Storm Drain Crawler Inspections


What We Do For You

Open & Close Services (High & Low Pressure)
Cleaning (Hydrolyzing, Tube, Ram, Projectile)
Vacuum Testing
Chemical Cleaning
Tube Plugging
Tube Pulling
Data Management
Asset Management


Eddy Current
Remote Field Testing
Helium Testing
Condenser Air IN Leakage Testing
Principal ET III Services


TridentLAS is focused on delivering the most efficient surface cleaning process available. From the latest in Laser cleaning technology to traditional methods.
Laser cleaning of non-hazardous and hazardous material is an immediate and environmentally friendly process


Trident Power Support Services, a sister company to Trident Next Gen Services, provides industry leading FME and FOSAR support services.

Trident’s focus is to provide next level services that assist in plant integrity and performance. Trident Power’s approach to Foreign Material prevention is to implement strategies for debris challenges that could potentially affect fuel integrity with pre-outage readiness planning, site specific prevention programs, and prompt resolution to any unexpected conditions or problems. We provide a highly trained, dependable, consistent, and independent Foreign Material Exclusion accountability team to complete both planned and unplanned plant activities.


Trident Next Gen Services offers customized solutions that provide faster, better, and more cost effective inspections to its customers.
Single source for RVI, NDE, Heat Exchanger Maintenance & FOSAR, Project Management & Engineering